Please write or call us about any acts of kindness, experiences, resources or tips you know about. Include images if you can. We will edit and share these gifts with everyone via our weekly email and this blog. We will post your name as the author unless you prefer to be anonymous. If you would like help writing your story, let us know -- our editors would love to help you.

So Little Effort - Such a Big Impact!
How to make a big difference? Try our countywide composting-made-easy program…you’ll like it!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Many locals were grateful for the heartwarming and filling Thanksgiving celebration that LOTM provided….

Dog Rescue Mission
My family and I were in Arizona when we found a stray dog and tried to help her....

Re-opening Predicaments & Kindness
Many of us struggle to protect our own and others' health while helping businesses and employees to survive financially...

Scary Snowy Drive
As I looked out the window my uneasiness increased by the minute. I'll never make it...

God Is Love. Pass It On.
If you keep your eyes open, you see love in action hundreds of times a day...

It’s Like Winning the Lottery
Money from heaven - tax free! What to do with it? How about paying it forward to others in need…

Immigration and Detention: A First Hand Account
Dave Domzal and his daughter Alyssa were shocked by conditions they witnessed...
UPDATE - Helping Hands
FIRC staffers wear masks sewn by the Bag Ladies while prepping for the Food Bank...
UPDATE! Food for FIRC Emergency Pantry
Requests for food by FIRC clients have skyrocketed in Silverthorne...
What’s The Plan, Stan?
Early in March, “What’s the Plan, Stan?” meant what are we going to do today? But this morning my survival plan is….

Double Back to Help Someone
I passed a young lady sitting on a bench by the lake creating beadwork, but then it occurred to me...

Stronger than Struggle
An Anniversary Scripture: "Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it." Song of Solomon 8:6-7

Putting CARE Into Practice
Not only a pandemic, but many other life challenges may at some time produce a gaping hole in your routine or your family's routine that causes you to need a helping hand...

Reflections from White Eagle
This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole...

Families Welcome New Babies Amid Epidemic
The birth of a child is always an occasion to celebrate...

Reflection on generosity for the "least of these."
In the midst of the Corona Virus crisis, we are still called to care for the forgotten...

Reflection on "Peace Be With You"
I've been re-reading Father Thomas Keating's book The Mystery of Christ discussing Jesus' saying "peace be with you..."

Reflection on "Corona Vision"
How is the Coronavirus changing us and creating a new perspective we could call "Corona Vision..."